INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS:rnBuilding Size 24,964 sq ft,rnLot Size 39,204 sq ft,rnYear Built 1989,rn97% occupied,rnFirst Time On Market in Over 20 Years,rnRecently Re-Roofed,rnNew LED lighting,rnNew surveillance cameras throughout the property,rnNew, LED monument sign,rn85 parking spaces,rn1 elevator, 2 staircases.rnStrong and stable cash flow for potential investors.rnUpside potential by leasing the remaining unit plus adjusting rents through multiple short-term leases.rnTriple net leases .rn5% annual rent increases providing strong rent growth for a potential buyer.rnThe investment presents a unique opportunity to own a mixed-use building with small spaces that can easily be rented out to in a rapidly growing neighborhood.